Selected Work
Games / Mods

'The Milkman' Creepypasta

December, 2013

written by: T.M



I’m still alive but I’m not because I drank too much milk after the milk truck came the man in the truck was a monster he killed my family and kidnapped my dog (my dog is called billyMCjim) I’m not sure what he is doing to my dog but hope he’s ok. IM SO SCARED THE MILKMAN MIGHT COME BACK AND TAKE ME AND MY PET HAMSTER (his name is dog).

“Save me god!” I scream at the top of my voice.

I hear the sound of a car. I look out of the window and there he was…. The Milkman… I nearly fainted. I hid behind a stick in my bedroom.

“He won’t see me here” I said to myself. then he burst the door open, milk bottle in hand. he stared at me seeing through my hiding spot.

“Are you the devil I asked him”

He didn’t reply he just drank the milk and then pulled out a bottle top opener where he opened the milk that I had left on my bed. he then came over to me, grabbed my neck and poured the milk all over my face. I screamed in agony. he then showed me the head of my limited edition Barbie doll figure. I nearly decided to kill myself it was like he had just shown me the head of my mother only worse it was my Barbie…


He then gave me acidic milk and I fainted. he grabbed me and put me in his milk truck where he drove me to the milk factory. he put me in a sack and held me above the blender and said “goodbye” in his creepy deranged voice. then he dropped me. I tumbled into the milk blender where all the rotten milk was poured into. The blender was as big as a football pitch and smelt horrible. I then splashed into the milk, the blender stabbed me in the chest repeatedly, I tried to scream but couldn’t. I was drowning in milk and badly injured. then I saw my hamster being tortured by the milkman.

I finally screamed the words “DOG!” (That’s my hamster’s name). He heard me and flew into the blender. he grabbed onto my hand and pulled me out of it. My chest was ripped open and one of my arms were gone but overall I was fine. I thanked Dog and then pulled a bit of diamond from the floor and made a diamond sword out of it. I had my diamond sword and with it in my hand, I jumped at the Milkman. he screamed, then exploded into milk. I fainted, when I woke up I was in chains and being stabbed with a hot piece of metal. it hurt and I didnt like it so I told the milk man to stop

he said "SILLY HOT DOGS" and then I screamed and fell out of the chains and then I saw BillyMCJim (My dog). I ran to my dog as fast as I could then I died. I remember God asking me if I would like to take part in a gameshow "Heaven, Hell or reincarnated as a rabbit". He spun the wheel, it span for 7 hours and eventually it stopped. It landed on 'reincarnated as a rabbit', immediately I was on earth again but this time smaller.


I was now a rabbit. I was confused, I didnt know what to do, I just hopped and hopped. I found a white van so I hopped in there, suddenly I felt a sudden chill as if someone evil was behind me. I turned around and there was the milkman. I made a rabbit noise then tried to hop out through the door. he stopped me. I had fallen for his trap. he was waiting for me to do this. he grabbed a milk bottle and smashed it round my face. acidic milk washed my whole body. I realised this was the end.

I said to myself "NO" and screamed. I then turned into a human. I was face to face with the milkman. I grabbed a milk bottle and threw it at him he screamed and fell to the floor. his face burning and turning to slush. I immediately grabbed a smoothie cup and a straw I put his face in the cup and drank. I slurped and slurped the slushie face until his face was so deformed I nearly threw up.

he then said "lol" and the next thing you know I was flying through the window of the milktruck and into an old lady who immediately died as soon as I touched her. I grabbed her walking stick and ran into the milktruck and started beating the milkman to death with it. he screamed and screamed then he was silenced. He was dead.


Then 256,346,445,437,613,859,734,825,426,582,587,564,902,876,917,843,698,276 bolts of lightning hit the milktruck. I was lucky to not be injured the milkmans body vibrated and then shaked then stood up.

"Too slow" he said he started attacking me with a knife. he slashed it through every part of my body. he was like God. I tried to punch him and hit him. it didnt work, he just carried on slashing with his deranged laugh, "hahahhahahhahahhahahahhahaha" he repeated every time he paused, he took a big slash through my body covering the milktruck and the streets in blood. I finally managed to grab his hand I pulled the knife out of his hand and I stabbed his head. Two Milkmen. 3 Milkmen. 7 Milkmen. 39 Milkmen. 3,875,682 Milkmen. I counted as Milkmen appeared out of nowhere, coming to aid the milkman that I had stabbed. I could see my family being held my the milkmen in the distance, they were sad, blood was dripping from them I then cried and cried whilst the milkmen jumped on me stabbing me all over.


I took a Magicalrainbiowsquidyfoxtail sweet out of my pocket and ate it. I immediately had thousands of powers. I fired rainbows at all the milkmen and stabbed them with my unicorn horn. Nyan cat music was playing in my head and I was beating these milkmen up so badly. I flew into all the milkmen at 1000mph knocking them out. I continued firing rainbows until I saw my family. they had been shot by one of my rainbows. I stopped, flew down, and then he happened. the king of all milkmen, the one that had killed my family and took my dog, MILKMAN X


I shouted "NO" and flew at him, shooting millions of rainbows. he threw billions of milk bottles. He was too strong for me, I was helpless. then Dog my hamster came out of nowhere and bit into MILKMAN X's neck. he screamed and fell to the floor. bleeding, he summoned 382,738,247,468,774,678,902,735,257,957,334,275,650,328,574,478,359,672,985,657,918,657,296,
246,098,426,709,426,709,842,779,890,700 milkmen. they all attacked me and I died.

Never to be seen again.

My name is Alfred and Im not sure what happended to the world after death. I see darkness everyday, fearing the milkmen will come back and haunt me.

That was my story.

The End

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